In your home, your regular vacuum does a good job, but what about in the garage? Definitely not. This is especially true if you are trying to clean a car. Even if it has a hose attachment, a vacuum won’t do the job. It is probably a wise idea to invest in the best garage vacuum wall-mounted unless you want to pay a car wash to vacuum your car.
These vacuums attach to the walls, have powerful suction, and can usually handle both wet and dry areas. Not only that, but a wall-mounted garage vacuum has various accessories attached to it to make your vacuuming experience as fun as possible.
In this post, we’ll look at the best wall-mounted garage vacuum. But first, let’s help you figure out what you should be looking for when shopping for wall-mounted garage vacuums.
Here’s How We’ve Determined the Best Garage Wall Mounted Vacuum System
We looked at several vacuums for different budgets. It had to be a wall-mounted vacuum, and we tried to find unique vacuums. With that said, we also looked at reviews. How did others like the wall-mounted garage vacuum? Without further ado, let’s look at the best wall-mounted vacuum for your money.
Bissell Garage Pro (Best Value – All-Purpose)
The Best Garage Vacuum Wall Mounted
When searching for a wall-mounted garage vacuum, we believe this is the best one to start with. It’s a wet-dry vacuum that has a long hose that goes up to 32 feet.

Besides that, it has several nice features. It can turn into a blower, and it has various attachments for various uses. For example, it includes accessories for the carpet and upholstery. It comes with extension wands, too. With a 5-foot power cord, it should be easy to plug into your wall.
Most reviews of this wall-mounted garage vacuum have been positive. People love this vacuum cleaner for its long hose and its suction power. With an overall positive score, it’s worth a purchase. A minority of reviewers said it wasn’t strong enough, and of course, you have the people who got dud units. Other than that, this is a great fit for most needs and budgets.
Overall, this is the best one to buy if you need a system that has some accessories, will last you a good while and is good for cleaning the car or other areas of your home. It’s the most balanced one on this list, balancing out quality with mid-range pricing.
Also, Bissell, they do donate to pet foundations when you purchase their products, so if you are a pet person, that may be something that convinces you to buy this vacuum.
Allegro Poco (Best Machine)
Get the Allegro Poco at Amazon
If you want to spend a little more and get a powerful vacuum, we believe that this one is worth considering. While most should be fine with item #1 on this list, we recommend the Allegro Poco wall-mounted vacuum cleaner if you are going to be using the vacuum for a long time.

It has a 30-foot hose and a decent number of accessories, including a dusting brush, a wire hose rack, and tools for crevices and floors. In addition, it’s easy to install and includes some tools to help you along the way.
One of the best features that this vacuum has is its power. It has a two-stage fan motor, allowing it to be one of the strongest wall-mounted vacuum cleaner units available. If you have stubborn messes or you want something that lasts, this may be the best selection.
As of this post, there are not any reviews, and we cannot find any on another site. This vacuum cleaner must be newer, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try it out.
Overall, this is a great vacuum if you need the best of the best, outside of paying professional prices. Having a pricier wall vac can mean that it’s easier to clean the messes, and you may need less maintenance as a result. You’ll have one that lasts longer, and sometimes, this can pay for itself. Buying cheaper vacs can mean they break more, causing you to repair or replace them.
Prolux Professional (Most Accessories)
Get the Prolux Professional at Overstock
The Prolux Professional indeed looks professional, with a beautifully-designed main wall-mounted vacuum cleaner. As for the rest of the system, we recommend this if you’re looking for the most accessories. It has various tools, squeegees, inflators, and even a GV Mini Turbo Head. This is great if you want to remove pet hair or want to clean the smallest areas.

Besides the accessories, this wet-dry vacuum is durable and has a hose that’s crush-proof. With its 162 CFM motor, it should be able to get any job done.
Reviews of this vacuum cleaner have been quite positive. Most people say that this wall garage vacuum system is worth the cost, and it allows you to get the most out of your vacuum cleaner if you stay in the garage a lot. Criticisms include some parts, like the hose, feeling a little cheap, but most reviews come from people who are satisfied.
Overall, this is a good vacuum if you like variety. There are some people who will just use one or two accessories, but those who want to clean every corner of their home, or those who want to come prepared for every kind of mess, may benefit from a vacuum that carries it all. Try this vacuum cleaner and see how well it works for your needs.
Vacmaster VWM510 (Cheapest Vacuum)
Get the Vacmaster VWM510 at Overstock
Sometimes, you just want a wall-mounted garage vacuum cleaner. You don’t need a million vacuums with hose attachments, cleaning tools, and other accessories that raise the price. If you’re like this, then you can find this wall-mount garage vacuum for under $100.

It does have a long cord and hose, allowing you to reach quite far. In addition, this vacuum does come with all the accessories you expect from most garage wall vacuums.
It’s not the prettiest garage vacuum, but if you’re just someone who wants a vacuum to get the job done, and you don’t plan on using your garage vacuum too often, this vacuum may be the best for you.
Reviews are extremely positive. Despite the lower price, this has not affected its quality. Most people say it’s great for cleaning the car or other parts of the garage. Not only that, but it does seem to be quite durable and easy to set up.
There aren’t too many negative reviews, but most have the standard criticisms, such as the vacuum being underpowered or people getting duds or missing parts. However, most people say that this is a great vacuum if you need occasional cleaning.
Overall, this is a great vacuum if you don’t have much money to spend, or you don’t want to spend too much money on one. While it may not be the best for hardcore jobs, for casual garage and car cleaning, it should work well enough. Why spend more when you have a vacuum you can get a powerful unit for under a hundred?
GarageVac GH120-W (Most Compact)
If you have a smaller garage, this is one of the best vacuums for that. It’s a compact unit – sleek and great for smaller garages. It only needs 2.5 feet of space. Within that space, it has a HEPA filter that keeps all the bad stuff inside its bag. Its hose wand is sleek, and steel, and can tackle several tough jobs with ease. It’s portable, easy to hang, and one of the best garage vacuums for the price.

But what do the reviews say? Reviews of this garage wall vacuum cleaner have been quite positive. Most people say this garage wall vacuum is powerful for the price, and it manages to do so without taking up too much space. Cleaning with it is a breeze, be it the car or another area where you need some cleaning.
A couple of negative reviews say the hose didn’t stay on or the vacuum was underpowered, but they were in the minority.
In summary, this is a compact little vacuum that is quite powerful, too. As we mentioned, if you have a smaller garage, every bit of space matters. While you’ll have to empty this one a little bit more, it’s still worth it if you’re looking for the most powerful compact wall vac on the market today.
On a Budget? Try These:
If you need a vacuum, but you want vacuums that are cheap, here are three cheapies that can get the job done.
Budget: Shop-Vac Wall Mount
Get the Shop-Vac Wall Mount at Overstock
As you can see, this is one of those vacuums where there’s nothing fancy to it. If you need something for casual car cleaning, you may want to try this one. It has positive reviews as well.
Budget: Bauer Wet Dry
Get the Bauer Wet Dry at Harbor Freight
This one is very small and appears to have a shorter hose, but it may work well if you need some casual cleaning for your garage or car. It’s not the best ever, but it should work fine.
Budget: Shop Vac 1 Gallon
Get the Shop Vac 1 Gallon at Overstock
This is a vacuum that is extremely cheap, portable, and lightweight. It may not be the best if you need vacuums that have longevity in the cleaning department, but if you need a cheap one and you don’t have much money, then this one may be for you.
What Should I Look for When Buying a Garage Wall-Mounted Vacuum System?
It seems a little self-explanatory, doesn’t it? You need to find a vacuum you can mount to your wall, and it should be for garage use. However, there’s a lot more to it than that. Let’s look at several features to be on the lookout for.
Suction Power
A wall-mounted garage vacuum has to have a little more suction power than your standard vacuum. It needs to have the ability to clean up messes that may be on your floor and inside your car. Your normal vacuum cleaner may struggle with the mess, but the best wall-mounted garage vacuum will not.
A wall-mounted garage vacuum can hold more dirt when it has a larger capacity, which means you don’t have to empty it as much. Therefore, you may want to look for the biggest wall-mounted garage vacuums you can find. However, not everyone has a big garage. It can take up too much space if it is too large. There are smaller vacuums that can be just as powerful without taking up as much space in the garage.
A hose is definitely not something you want to skimp on. Too short, and it can make the mounted part of your wall-mounted garage vacuum pointless. A long hose can make the job easy, and a good garage vacuum will allow you to wrap it around the wall-mounted unit so it doesn’t take up too much space. Most wall-mounted garage vacuums have hoses that are dozens of feet long, so you should be good in that department.
Besides length, you also need to worry about the diameter. If you plan on cleaning up big debris, you don’t want it too narrow. Also, the hose should be sturdy enough to get the job done.
Cord Length
If your garage’s power outlet is in an awkward location or you want to take the vacuum out of the garage to extend its reach, a wall-mounted vac with a long cord can help. Many of them will have a lengthy cord. And with that said, you can always get an extension cord. However, the vacuum having a retractable, decent-sized cord from the get-go just feels nice.
The Attachments
Being a system, the wall-mounted garage vacuum units typically have other attachments to make cleaning easier. For example, they could have a nozzle for upholstery, a dusting brush, extension wands – the list goes on. If you have a wide variety of cleaning tasks, more attachments can be merrier.
Every vacuum is going to make noise, but some garage wall vacuums manage to make less noise. If you have neighbors nearby and you’re trying to do some night cleaning, or you don’t want to disturb your family, the noise level can be important. Even if you are all by your lonesome, a quiet garage wall vacuum can allow you to listen to some music or a podcast without cranking up the volume too much.
The Filter
A good vacuum needs a filter, and if you have allergies or asthma, you should get a HEPA filter. It can catch nearly all allergens, making your garage a safe place to breathe. With that said, most vacuums have a decent filter that will clean up dust and dander, but sometimes you want to have the best of the best.
Bag or Bagless?
A wall-mounted garage vacuum may have bags, or it may not. Bagged vacuums are easy to empty, especially if you have allergies. Bagless is less of a hassle, especially with cost, but they can be messy. Always check the vacuum and see if it has a bag or if it’s bagless. Depending on your situation, one or the other will be better for you.
Wet Dry
A wet-dry vacuum can clean up liquid messes without damaging the unit. It’s always ideal to be able to have a wet-dry feature if possible.
There are a wide variety of garage vacuums, and they can range in price. It’s important that you find the best garage vacuum for your budget, as you don’t want to spend too much. But at the same time, you may not want a cheapie, either.
With Amazon orders, most products can be returned or replaced in 30 days if there is a problem. However, vacuums rarely show problems in just a month. A year? That is an entirely different story. A good vacuum cleaner will have it so that the warranty is at least a year, if not longer. A vacuum with a long warranty means the manufacturers are sticking by their product, and you don’t have to worry about being caught with a vacuum cleaner that doesn’t work for you.
Can You Store a Vacuum Cleaner in the Garage?
All of these vacuums on this list are designed to be in the garage. Just mount them to the walls using the included mount, and they should be good to go.
But what if you want to store a regular vacuum in the garage? You know, the one you use to clean your house? Of course, you can. The only time you may want to refrain from doing that is if your garage is further from your house. Otherwise, you may want to put it in the house.
With that said, always put a vacuum in a place where you can find it. When you’re trying to declutter your home, you don’t want your cleaner to fall into the clutter, now do you?
What Vacuum Do Professionals Use?
Different professionals are going to use different vacuums. However, if you are going to hire a professional cleaner, they usually use a vacuum that isn’t cheap. For example, they may use a vacuum that costs well over a grand. One of the reasons why they are professionals is that the amount of money you pay them is less than what the vacuum costs and they can indeed help to get the job done.
When contacting a pro, ask what vacuums they use and then do some research. You don’t want to hire a pro who uses vacuums you can buy at Walmart. You might as well do it by yourself at that point.
Verdict: Your Best Garage Vacuum System Wall Mounted
There we have it. While you were out cleaning your car, we were looking at the best vacuums you can put on the wall of your garage. In case the noise of the vacuum was too much for you to hear us, here are the top 5 vacuums once again.
First, we have the Bissell Garage Pro. This is a vacuum that is mid-range and has the quality stamp of approval most Bissel vacuums are known for. With a long hose, cleaning power, and various accessories, this should be the first choice for most people.
Second, there’s the Allegro Poco. This is one of the most powerful vacuums on this list, with a hose that should be able to withstand even the dirtiest car. If you need the best, you may want to pick this one.
Third, the Prolux Professional. This is a good vacuum if you need a ton of accessories for your hose. From getting into the deepest corners of your car to doing those heavy-duty jobs that need more accessories to finish the job, you can’t go wrong with this vacuum.
Fourth, is the Vacmaster VWM510. Don’t let the cheap price of this vacuum scare you; it’s quite powerful for the price tag and is good if you’re looking for a basic garage vac that won’t break the bank. Check it out and see what it can do for your situation.
Finally, we have the GarageVac. This is a small and compact cleaner that only takes up two and a half feet of space. Not everyone needs a big wall-mounted vac, especially if you’re someone who has a small garage or who doesn’t need a dozen accessories cluttering your home.
And there you have it. Finding the right vacuum can make your car and garage clean and spotless. We hoped this article has helped you in your search.